Website for artists and art collections

Is the perfect web solution for creating a dynamic and versatile website in a short time.
Designed taking into particular consideration the peculiarities and needs of artists and art collections, it is an economical, modular and rapid activation system.

By composing the different elements that Artistwall offers it is possible to obtain a vast range of different interfaces, suitable for making the most of your contents:

  • for catalogs of works of art and photographic or work portfolios, Artistwall 's "objects" offer the ideal solution: each object can contain texts, images, videos, PDFs and can link to other contents similar in type. The new dynamic filter system also allows you to easily manage even the largest collections
  • to create an impactful Home Page you can combine typographical sections and slide shows of full-page images, to welcome the visitor and present your objectives
  • to tell a story, collect a biography or narrate a series of events in sequence, the ideal tool is the "Timeline", which also in this case offers multiple levels of in-depth content, favoring a predefined reading sequence
  • to describe your business and provide easily traceable information, finally, traditional "pages" allow you to combine images, texts and links to compose the desired layout


  • fluid and responsive layout, designed with a mobile first perspective
  • modular graphic interface designed with visual communication and UX/UI design experts
  • multilingual CMS area to independently manage the updating and insertion of contents
  • possibility to fill in SEO meta tags to improve the indexing of your pages
  • registering a custom domain
  • free periodic updates

For those who use Artistwall  for the first time and wish to receive advice and assistance for the best content management, from resizing and converting images, to text layout and the use of advanced features, our technical support is always available and it is possible to book one or more specialised consultancy sessions remotely. And if you don't have time to upload content, we can do it for you!

It is possible to combine the Artistwall site with our professional newsletter service: on a dedicated server, with an interactive panel for composing messages, setting up transactional and automatic emails, organising contact lists and a detailed reporting system for each sending.

For more information


Domenico Remps,
Cabinet of Curiosities, c. 1689
Oil on shaped canvas, 99 × 137 cm
Museo dell'Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence