Day-to-day management and curatorship of a digital archive

Artist archives are institutions of great importance: not only do they certify the authenticity of a specific artist's work, but they can also become indispensable tools for research and education, constantly engaged in updating and managing the traces of an artist's life and personality.
A fundamental role is also played by galleries which, in cooperation with heirs, foundations or archives, can implement certain operations aimed at promoting knowledge.

The role of Artist Archives
One of the fundamental tasks of an archive is to collect all documents relating to the artist's activity and life. The aim is to make it a research tool for scholars, critics and curators. In addition to building of a general catalogue and defending the artist's works from misappropriation and counterfeiting, the correct registration of works is also crucial, which can be followed by the issuance of a certificate of authenticity.

Our services for Artist's Archives
But how is the ordinary activity of an artist archive organized and how is it managed?
Our team provides specialized consulting on practical aspects and on curatorial profile, supporting the archives both in the establishment phase and in their daily activities:

  • we conduct research to gather material and information from databases
  • we digitize documents, images, photographs and entire publications
  • we archive all collected material, following best practices deduced from years of experience
  • we relate data regarding the life and production of artists
  • we prepare and print certificates of authenticity
  • we create dossiers, works sheets and lists
  • we configure our management systems to export data for both print and digital publications


For more information



Giuseppe Arcimboldo
The Librarian, 1562 (detail)
Oil on canvas
97 × 71 cm
Skokloster Castle, Skokloster Sweden